Streamline your post-purchase experience

Easily integrate Shipped AI into your existing tech stack to improve your CX and maximize efficiency with automation

Ecommerce Platforms
Shipped AI integrates with several popular ecommerce platforms as well as custom OMS to automate up to 80% of answers to repetitive customer service questions within seconds.
Invisible Commerce
Shipping Carriers
Shipped AI integrates with the world's largest shipping carriers making sure that your order gets delivered as expected.
Invisible Commerce
Customer Support Platforms
Shipped AI integrates with the most popular customer support software on the market today. We take a seat as a virtual agent on your help desk and will execute resolutions across any channel instantly, just as your top CX agent would.
Invisible Commerce
Consumer Channels
Wow shoppers when and where they need you. Shipped AI is channel agnostic and can intercept shopper inquiries across email, SMS, phone, chat and social media. Shipped AI also comes as an standalone chat widget for both desktop and mobile devices.
Invisible Commerce
Subscription Management
Shipped AI seamlessly integrates with subscription services, autonomously addressing subscription queries such as pause subscription, cancel subscription, reactivate subscription, change subscription frequency, change subscription shipping address, change order date, skip order and send order now.
Invisible Commerce